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Modal text editing in VS Code

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Modal text editing in VS Code

Learn about the power of switching between Command and Insert modes in VS Code.

The speed of your text editing is directly proportional to the number of keystrokes you need to type. The fewer keystrokes you need to type, the faster you can type. The faster you can type, the more you can type. The more you can type, the more you can get done.

VS Code has wonderful code navigation capabilities (in supported languages), but it falls somewhat short when it comes to navigating around inside a file. CodeFlea was invented because I was sick of either having to reach for the mouse in order to simply move the cursor, or hammer the arrow keys over and over to select text.

CodeFlea gives you powerful commands to move the cursor between--and select--words, blocks, lines or code within brackets.

It's language-agnostic, so it works in any file type. It's also fully customizable, so you can change the keybindings to suit your own preferences.